Lapis lazuli is a blue gem and was the main antagonist of the steven universe season 1a finale episodes mirror gem and ocean gem, later serving as one of the pentagonists. It serves as an epilogue to the 202019 original series steven universe and its followup 2019 animated film steven universe. Watch full episodes and all the latest seasons on cartoon. And yellow diamond is around the same size as rose. Much like our titular character, im a little overwhelmed and. Pin by person mcperson on steven universe yellow diamond. Yellow diamond, or yellow for short, is a homeworld gem and a member of the great diamond authority that formerly ruled over the gem race. Steven universe future is an american animated limited series created by rebecca sugar for cartoon network. Yellow diamond, as one of the rulers of homeworld, is of a massive size, her height making a common pearls pale in comparison. Hes a gem, so they have to at least listen to him, and also human, which should be impossible. Na it couldve been great add a photo to this gallery. With those five words, steven universe confirms a longstanding fan theorythat rose quartz was, in fact, pink diamondand opened the door to a whole bunch of new questions. Yellow diamonds daughter steven universe daughter scenarios.
But steven universe has never shied away from this kind of onthenose emotional metaphor, and, as in episodes like alone at sea, the show nails it. Steven is determined to help pink diamond s original pearl heal the scar on her face. Steven universe hit the diamond tv episode 2016 imdb. And thats why steven s naive little ideals are perfect for this. If his words about those he cares for and his insane willpower dont touch some of the gems in attendance, or even yellow diamond herself, then i dont know what will. Yellow diamond canon steven universe fanon wikia fandom. Steven and the gems play an old fashioned game of baseball. This episode was originally going to be the start of the barn arc but was scrapped for being too graphic. Yellow diamond, blue diamond, pink diamond and white. Its narrative focuses on steven dealing with his own emotional trauma in the aftermath of the events of the series. Change your mind steven universe all credit goes to show creator rebecca sugar, the crewniverse, cartoon network and turner est. Rebecca sugar has mentioned that bluecolored gems are mainly diplomats.
Hyperrealistic yellow diamond steven universe know your meme. Subscribe to the official steven universe youtube channel. As rose quartz, steven is brought before yellow diamond and blue diamond. It premiered on december 7, 2019 and concluded on march 27, 2020. Steven suggests hosting another giant feast for his friends and family to help welcome yellow diamond and blue diamond to earth. Steven universe casually shatters its own backstory with a. Blue diamond battles yellow diamond in an attempt to save steven and. The clods of homeworld pink and yellow diamond steven universe comics episode 8. Steven universe message received tv episode 2016 imdb. Steven universe clip change your mind yellow diamond. Steven universe the cluster is awakened by yellow and blue.
Steven quartz universe is the titular protagonist of the tv series of the same name and its epilogue. Yellow diamond is fukin pissed steven universe know your meme. Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article. Yellow diamond stevenuniversetheoryzone wikia fandom. If you would like to see the shows and episodes in full. The cluster is awakened by yellow diamond and blue diamond after ruby and sapphires wedding. Reunited is the 23rd and 24th episode of the fifth season of the american animated television. When this leads to steven attempting to hurt white diamond, his condition worsens and he flees again.
Vegas, supernova, iolite and the quest, and the diamond authority kinda. While she used to command the gem military and oversee the production of gems on her colonies, she currently works to repair gems who were shattered in her cluster experiments and to help alter gems physical forms if they choose to do so. Steven is a little boy who lives in a ruined temple with three gems. Steven universe blue diamond battles yellow diamond cartoon.
Watch full episodes and all the latest seasons on cartoon network uk. Yellow diamond is a homeworld gem and a member of the great diamond authority that rules over the gem race. She later serves as a supporting character in steven universe. The movie yellow diamond on the pamphlet cover from little homeschool yellow diamond as a pineapple as seen in steven s nightmare from in dreams. She was later rescued by the crystal gems in gem drill after unfusing from being malachite during a battle with them fused as alexandrite in super watermelon island. Blue diamond is the first of the diamonds to be seen onscreen in an episode of steven universe. A really, truly epic hourlong steven universe nearly spells. During the reception, the gem rulers blue and yellow diamond arrive in their giant armshaped spaceships in order to awaken the cluster. Steven universes most mindbending episodes yet introduce a. Cant wait for steven universe new episode i hope you like it yellow diamond.
Diamond days, the new story arc will kickstart on dec. She serves as the secondary antagonist of the final four episodes of season 4 and returns as an antivillain in the first episode of the fifth season. Yellow diamond is the secondary antagonist of the cartoon network series. The long coattail seen in her episode debut was changed to just only a short one in. Ytp steven universe the lost episode part 1 youtube. New episodes will air weekly after that, culminating in a finale on jan. She is also mentioned by rose quartz when she states that. With zach callison, michaela dietz, estelle, erica luttrell. They were once the absolute ruling power over the gem homeworld and its remaining active colonies until the beginning of era 3. She was voiced by the drag performer jerick hoffer, also known as jinkx monsoon. Now were only falling apart yellow diamond appears in pearls flashback about pink diamond. Hes also a bit of a bumbler, making the universe saving job a bit more difficult.
Steven universe convincing yellow and blue diamond cartoon. It is the continuation of the timeline past season 1 of mh, the end of mv, the end of dak, the end of iq, and the end of sn. Thats what im going to do just to prevent my confusion any further. She is a homeworld gem who first debuted as the main antagonist in the episode lars of the stars. Steven universe executive producers rebecca sugar ian jonesquartey. Steven embarks on a journey to convince white diamond to listen to him so he can help the corrupted gems back on earth. And if no one likes that i added yellow diamond ill take her out. The great diamond authority steven universe wiki fandom. Steven is a gem, too, but his gemstone, his mothers gemstone, is different. He is also the boyfriend and romantic interest of connie maheswaran. Emerald is a minor antagonist in the cartoon network tv series steven universe. After a brief, tense confrontation, we get the best, most gutwrenching moment of the episode, and probably of the series. However, blue diamond was not the first of the diamonds to be revealed in steven universe media as a whole. The great diamond authority is the matriarchal body of gem leaders.
She is a homeworld gem fusion who serves under yellow diamond. Today we have a special treat for everyone with a theory video about the possibility of green diamond happening in the upcoming 5 day event, steven universe. Cartoon network and rebecca sugar for steven universe mkatwood for pearls rap. Steven universe season 5 episode 26 this is so weird. In this weekends surprised drop of two new episodes, stevens mysterious dream abilities take the center stage to reveal the diamond he and his mother supposedly murdered. Yellow diamond as depicted in white diamond s book from steven universe. It is about a young boy called steven universe, who is half gem an alien race who are made of gem crystals and half human, and follows his story with the crystal gems, a rebel group against the gem homeworld. Steven universe futureepisodes the cartoon network wiki. Yellow diamond tries to soothe a grieving blue diamond.
Watch steven universe online full episodes all seasons. She has a pointed, upturned nose, plump lips and an unusually. A single pale rose trailer steven confronts pearl about the shattering of pink diamond, but instead has to venture inside of pearls gem to retrieve her cell phone. For 14 years he lived in his little world, but now everything is beginning to change. During the episode sworn to the sword, a statue of yellow diamond to the left corner and her weapon can be seen at the beginning of the song do it for her, her hair matches the statue.
Steven universe blue diamond and yellow diamond fight. The absolutely devastating, blackandwhite shot of white diamond. She lived on the barn with peridot and is now an ally to. She was first shown in the extended theme song and made her official debut in message received. Garnet asks the diamonds to go to the grocery store, saying the trip will help them learn more about human relations. The clods of homeworld pink and yellow diamond steven.
He finds the diamonds doing the opposite of what they used to do. Steven is a halfhuman, halfmagical being who boasts superpowers that emanate from his bellybutton. Blue and yellow diamond imprison steven and connie out of disgust when they form stevonie in front of everyone. It also played in the episode reunited during yellow diamonds arrival on earth and during her fight with the crystal gems. I waited to see yellow diamond, in steven wiki, it portrayed as a young and feminine looking person, i just hope, that a famous actress gives the voice of yellow. Steven universe future premiered on december 7, 2019 and ran for a total of 20 11minute episodes, including a fourpart finale airing on march 27, 2020. He a member of the crystal gems and the son of former musician greg universe and rose quartzpink diamond, the late founder and original leader of the crystal gems and a former matriarch of the great diamond authority. So basically its yellow diamond, garnet, pearl, amethyst and steven. White diamond believes that steven is pink diamond, so steven tries to fit pinks part so that way he can get close enough to white to ask her about helping the corrupted gems on earth. Try not to laugh compilationsteven universememespart 5 yellow diamond duration. The series revolves around steven universe voiced by zach callison, who protects his hometown of beach city alongside garnet voiced by estelle, amethyst voiced by michaela dietz and pearl voiced by deedee magno hall, three magical alien guardians known as the crystal gems.
In the episode serious steven, a scripture of rose and yellow diamond can be seen on the temple walls. The bulk of the narrative surrounds stevens return to homeworld and his attempts to reconcile with his diamond family. Mar 02, 2019 in change your mind, the events of the preceding five seasons come to a head. Yellow diamond fixes broken gems, blue diamond makes people happy, and white diamond lets other beings control her. Steven universe is an animated series on cartoon network. Steven universe is an american animated television series created by rebecca sugar for cartoon network. Yellow diamond briefly appears at the beginning of the episode in a flashback to stevens trial. Later, steven, greg and the captive gems seize an opportunity to. Nov 04, 20 in the animated series steven universes, an unlikely hero tries to save the universe. She is also mentioned by rose quartz when she states that yellow never cared about her or her pleas to stop the earths colonization. Steven universe simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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